News | 12 April 2020
Russian electronic school provides interactive lessons from the best teachers in the country covering grades one through eleven. It contains over 1,20 thousand unique problems, courses, video lessons, self-check assignments, catalogues of films, museum exhibitions and concerts. The portal has an extensive collection of materials on the methods of teaching as well.
Career-guidance portal “Step into the future” has a collection of video lessons for both secondary and high school students and resources for career placement tests and skills.
You can be sure about an easy jump to the long – distance learning with the educational platform “”. Students choose interactive courses and tests on basic school subjects and their parents and teachers can watch webinars about the new educational format. The platform allows mistake correction, builds individual learning curves and monitors the students’ progress. The users have their own chat rooms in their accounts, where parents, students and teachers can discuss assignments and their overall progress. The platform has 220 thousand teacher users and 3.6 million student accounts.
To support the transition educational fund “Talent and Success” launches free educational courses on the “Srius.Online” platform. It contains extra chapters on geometry courses (grades 7-9), combinatorics (grade 7), linguistics, phonetics and graphics as well as additional material on physics and informatics (grades 8 and 9).
The courses are designed by teachers and leading specialists of the Center and are intended for both students as supplementary educational programs and teachers as training courses. Every course lasts from 60 to 120 academic hours. Students who pass the courses with merit will have the “Sirius” educational center certificates to prove it.
Our Ministry of Enlightenment informs everyone about all educational platforms available and negotiates free access with other paid educational content with the owners. The list of the said resources grows daily for our use and enjoyment.