Final Results of the XIX Southern Mathematical Tournament Announced in Orlyonok

News | 9 October 2024

The tournament of mathematical battles is traditionally organized into two age groups: grades 7-8 and grades 9-11. It features teams from various regions, educational organizations, and national teams comprised of students from different areas.

The tournament is conducted in three leagues. The Start League includes teams of students in grades 7-8, while teams of schoolchildren in grades 9-11 compete in the Premier League and Grand League, respectively. The division of teams into these leagues is determined by their performance in the team Olympiad. Stronger teams are placed in the Grand League, whereas less prepared teams are assigned to the Premier League. Esteemed mathematics teachers, coaches of the Russian national mathematics team, and members of the jury from the All-Russian School Olympiad in Mathematics participate in overseeing the tournament. This year, children from 44 regions of Russia participated in the tournament.

A total of four rounds of mathematical battles were conducted. Lectures and meetings featuring prominent Russian scientists were organized for the tournament participants:

Andrey Raigorodsky, Director of the Phystech School of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at MIPT and Scientific Director of the Caucasian Mathematical Center at Adyghe State University.

Ivan Kukharchuk, an assistant in the Department of Higher Mathematics at MIPT, coach of the Moscow and Moscow Region national mathematics teams, and a member of the jury for the All-Russian School Olympiad in Mathematics.

Leonid Shatunov, a student at the Phystech School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Sergei Dorichenko, Chairman of the jury for the International Mathematical Tournament of Cities, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Quantic,” and a member of the jury for the All-Russian School Olympiad in Mathematics.

Nazar Agakhanov, an Associate Professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Chairman of the Central Subject-Methodological Commission for the All-Russian School Olympiad in Mathematics.

Alexander Golovanov, a teacher at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 30 in St. Petersburg and a member of the jury for the All-Russian School Olympiad in Mathematics.

The results of the tournament final are as follows:

The winner of the Major Start League was the team “Stirlitz-PK” (Novosibirsk Region, Krasnodar Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region).
The best team in the Major Junior League was the team “FMSh TO 9-1” (Tyumen Region).
The winner of the Grand League was the team “Saransk 10-11” (Republic of Mordovia and Udmurt Republic).
The team “YUMA-2” from Adygea took third place in the first Start League.
In the nomination “Hope of the Tournament “ the best was Dementiy Belkin , the best participant of the tournament was recognized as Yusuf Nagumanov .
Participants and winners were awarded certificates, diplomas and memorable gifts.


Address: ul. Pervomayskaya, 208, Maykop, Republic of Adygea, 385000, Russia