
«Mathematical talents and mathematical education» and «Gradient»

October 21-26

We invite you to take part in V All-Russian conference “Mathematical talents and Mathematical Education” and III All-Russian Forum for teachers and researchers in the field of mathematics “Gradient”.


From March 11 to March 16 2022 the 7th Caucasus Mathematical Olympiad finally comes to Maykop. The Olympiad programme and participation requirements are already available on the official website.

16 October 2024

The III South-Russian Mathematical Olympiad “Assara” for girls has commenced at Adyghe State University. This year, 60 schoolgirls from 21 regions of Russia are participating.

9 October 2024

The tournament of mathematical battles is traditionally organized into two age groups: grades 7-8 and grades 9-11. It features teams from various regions, educational organizations, and national teams comprised of students from different areas.

9 October 2024

The lecture “The Mathematics of Chasing on an Electric Scooter” by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and renowned scientist and popularizer of science Alexey Savvateev was a highlight of the Science Festival held by Adyghe State University.

12 March 2023

The third day of the Caucasian Mathematical Olympiad is finally over.
March 11 marked the end of the second round of the Caucasian Mathematical Olympiad where the participants had to solve another host of challenging problems.

Video Channel

The “Mathematical Guestroom” at the Caucasus Mathematical Center hosts public lectures and meetings with leading mathematicians whose contribution into science is invaluable.The second guest of the “Mathematical Guestroom” was Alexandr Gaifullin (Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics).

Rules of Life. Live from October 22, 2018 (Culture Channel)

Daud Mamiy is telling about Mathematical Park to the Alexei Begak, host of the “Rules of Life”

News Program of Maykop TV from October 10, 2018 “Experimental Economics” by A. Filatov

Alexander Filatov (Far Eastern Federal University)
Experimental Economics is a part of economics that researches human behavior and tests the predictions of the economics theory in the conditions of a controlled experiment. The experiments in economics are analogous to the ones in Physics, Chemistry and other natural sciences. The only difference is that their subjects are people who make the economics decisions in experimental laboratories or computer classes where they play games. During the lecture, the audience got introduced to the basics of experimental economics, learned about interesting examples, and took part in some real-life experiments.

“Mathematics As a Pleasure” (in Russian)

Daud Mamiy (Deputy Head of the Caucasus Mathematical Center, Chair of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at ASU, director of the Regional School of Sciences and Mathematics) will show that Mathematics is beautiful and one can get pleasure from solving problems.


Address: ul. Pervomayskaya, 208, Maykop, Republic of Adygea, 385000, Russia